Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I don't easily get on to post lately...

Finn has lately taken to adding the word "easily" to a lot of sentences, and in a couple of different ways. It can mean that the thing really is difficult to do--"It doesn't easily come off." (about one's pants, say)--or it's really just not a thing I want to do--"I don't easily do that, Mommy" (about eating dinner, using the potty, etc.). It's quite endearing. Makes it a bit more difficult to say "Sit down and eat your dinner, kiddo!"

By the way, a week or so ago, miracle of miracles...A couple of peas passed through those lips, through those most sealed of gates when it comes to all things vegetable and fruit (excluding juice). And I mean voluntarily! I'm not saying it's happened again since then, but perhaps things are looking up!

I recently looked back at old pics of Finn and noticed that, relative to what Kate looks like, he seemed much further developed at 6 months. I don't just mean bigger... he was certainly that, but I look at how much longer his hair was and even his face seemed less little-babyish. My friends say it's just a second-baby perceptual thing, but I don't know. I'll have to get a very recent pic of Kate onto my work computer and then I'll post them side by side for comparison. Maybe I'll get to that later today.

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