Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Finn told me about a dream he had the other night that apparently involved pirates and falling into the sky. The funniest part was the end. This was apparently a "bad" dream, not a "good" dream, and I was trying to figure out when it happened, so I asked him "Was this why you were crying when you woke up from nap today?" His response--"Yes...(pause, clearly changing his mind), I wouldn't cry from that dream, Mommy." Ah, the inner workings of the 3-year-old mind.

Kind of going along with the above, one of Finn's favorite things to do these days is to tell stories. His favorite topic is Mario. Yes, I know... my 3-year-old does play Mario games... he's catching one of his parents' main vices. I spend a lot of time feeling ashamed and/or apologetic about this, but I'm not feeling up to that right sue me. While there are a lot of things I don't like about his playing these games, let me tell you what I do like. His memory and/or his communication about his memory has been developing amazingly through this. He likes to go over the story line and tell you all about the little things that Mario did in great, great detail. A lot of the time this will include the person playing the game (e.g., "Mommy tried to climb the roof, but she couldn't do it." or "Daddy swam through the tunnel and he went on the blocks and he got the star."). Other times he just talk about Mario as the main character. He's so eager to tell his stories that he's started trying to get the attention of other kids his age. It's the first completely self-initiated non-parallel kind of play that I've really seen in him.

The other thing I like about it is that it emphasizes the importance of sequencing. You've got to break the block, then raise the water level, then swim down into the hole. You can't do those things in a different order. A lot of life has this kind of sequencing in it (e.g., you have to put your arms into the sleeves and then button the shirt), and I think it's really neat to see him picking that up. See, now, don't you feel better about all this game playing. I know I do. For now.

We have started using a chart system with stickers to try and limit the TV/computer time for Finn. He gets a certain amount of time per day (broken up into half-hour blocks) and he puts a star sticker into the grid when he uses up one of the blocks. Then, once he's filled them all in for the day, he doesn't get any more (no, I'm not going to say how much time it is total; it hits too close to my shame/guilt button). We're trying to use stickers to reward potty behavior, too. So far, not much progress on that end (haha) and I think, lately, a little regression away from the ultimate goal. Sigh.

On the Kate front, things are well. She's still super vocal, chatting all the time with whoever will sit with her, or with her blue froggy (seems to be the forerunner in the favorite-toy race), or just by herself. Once she starts talking, we are definitely in trouble. She's just about exactly 6 months now, so we should be starting some solids (rice cereal, etc.) very soon. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Snappy McSparagus said...

Yay! I found you! I'm so glad you're writing these things down...what a treasure. I look forward to reading more.

I can help you w/ posting pics sometime if you'd like.

Yay! :)