Friday, January 16, 2009

Long time...

It's been a busy few months. Hence, no posts. Here are some of the things that have been happening (in no particular order).


Teeth--as in 6 new ones.

Breastfeeding has had some pretty low downs (in part, see note above re: teeth). I've never been the kind of mom who feels all glow-y about breastfeeding to begin with, and really I'm just looking forward to being done with it, although I plan to keep going up to 1 year with Kate, if she's game.

Lots of babbling--she's a chatty girl. She really wants to talk.

Sitting up. Not much progression toward crawling, but she will sit up on her hands and knees with support.

My favorite new things: waves hi and claps!


Tried potty training. Dismal failure. Became a serious issue, lots of fussy and crying ("I don't want to sit on the potty!"), like that. Even though he had a few successes, we had to stop for a while. It was just too frustrating for all of us, and I didn't want it to become some big psychological hang-up (for any of us). Recently tried introducing the potty again. Some successes with that here and there. He's definitely able to use it. He has twice pulled down his pull-up and used it (pee one time, poop the other). We're very excited about that, and lavish praise on him, but we're trying to still be casual about it. It's just there (i.e., the potty); if he uses it great, if not, well, fine. I am looking forward to not spending the extra money on diapers though.

Definitely a full-blown 3-year-old, with all of the appropriate aspects: temper tantrums, willfulness, "I want to do it myself", "No!", etc. Somehow we'll survive. If anyone knows how, let me know.
I don't want to leave off on a bad note, re: Finn, so here's some nice things. He tells great stories about what he and his Mario friends are doing. He reads letters really well. He definitely knows that letters make up words, which I'm really excited about. And lastly, he says "gank you" in the cutest way.

Here are some recent pics, and that's all for now. School starts soon, so there may be another break before I post again, or maybe I'll have my act together this semester.