Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Just time for a quick post

In line with my resolution, I will sometimes post really quick things, because if I wait until I have lots of time, it just may not happen.

First thing... I actually lied a little bit, unintentionally of course. I did have another blog once, but...1) I barely used it, so it doesn't count, and 2) It is associated in my mind with some unpleasant disagreements with my bro... so perhaps I repressed it. At any rate, I still feel very awkward and behind the curve when it comes to writing in this thing, and it definitely feels out of place to say "blogging" (or any other verb derivative of the word blog) in reference to myself. So I proclaim myself a blogging virgin despite my previous experience.

Second, and more importantly, adding some more memories.

The other day when we were all driving somewhere together and my husband and I were nitpicking and bitching at each other for perfectly stupid reason, I'm sure, Finn piped up from the back seat and said: "Mommy... Daddy... relax!" It was one of the most hysterical things I've ever heard, this little 3-year-old, capable of throwing one heck of a tantrum at the drop of a hat, telling us to relax. It worked immediately, too, because we were both so thrown and it was so funny that we couldn't be pissy with each other any more. He still says it occasionally; luckily not too often, because I think the tension-breaking effect would go away if he said it too much.

I'm going to try and remember the older memories from Finn's 3 years, if I can. It's hard. They fall away so fast. Here's one of the first talking memories I have for Finn... when he was only just starting to talk--only had about 5 or 10 words, so maybe about 20 months, give or take a month or two (it's so bad that I can't even remember those kinds of details)--Finn was in his car seat and was saying "Ba-oh" over and over again. I was in the passenger seat, and I turned around and said "Where, Finn? I don't see a ball!" and I looked and looked and couldn't find the ball he was trying to tell me about. Finally, I reached my hand around on the floor behind my back seat and pulled out an empty water bottle. It took me a second longer, and then I realized that he was saying "bottle" the whole time. That was a cool memory, because it was the first time that he was really meaning something very specific and it was a persistent meaning... he was sure there was a "ba-oh" there, and if only mommy could figure it out she could confirm that indeed that "ba-oh" was right there. Luckily, I did figure it out! Language development rocks!

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