Saturday, September 13, 2008

One of the lesser-known side-effects of potty training...

is when your son says to your hubby while he (hubby) is on the toilet: "Good job, Daddy! I'm so proud of you!" Who knows, possibly when hubby gets much older, he'll appreciate that kind of encouragement!

One of Finn's very common word errors, which he has had for a while and doesn't seem to be getting past yet, is to say "They don't rhyme!" when something doesn't match. It can be a rhyme-related mismatch, or something completely non-vocal, so that the idea of rhyming doesn't fit at all. Sometimes he even says it when he just means that something isn't right. For example, if I say: "Does the kitty wear a hat?" (while holding a hat on the kitty), Finn is liable to say, "Mommy, that doesn't rhyme!"

Kate discovered an important new fact about the world on Friday. She very distinctly told us that "Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya." I'm so glad to have her here to tell me these things. How else would I ever know?!

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